>show interfaces terse
>show version
>show bgp summary
>show system uptime
>show arp
>show interfaces terse
>show version
>show bgp summary
>show system uptime
>show arp
>show configuration | display set | match
>show log messages
>show log messages | last 500
>show system alarms
>show ntp status
>show ntp associations
#show | compare rollback ?
>show system rollback compare 3 4
>show system rollback compare 4 5
>show chassis cluster interfaces
>start shell
>show system rollback compare 3 4
>show system rollback compare 4 5
>show chassis cluster interfaces
>start shell
% ls (Lists files in directory)
% cd .. (Moves up a level)
% cd – (Moves back to previous directory)
% pwd (List current directory)
% rm (Removes whatever filename is after rm)
% mv (Moves files from one location to another)
% cat (Read whatever file)
% scp (Transfers file from one location to another)
% scp junos-srxme-15.x49-D80-domestic.tgz
% vi test (creates and enters edit mode for text file called test)
“Press esc” :wq! (This Writes and Quits)
“Press esc” :q! (This quits without saving)